Tuesday 2 September 2014


                                                              THE WASTED GENERATION

The Church of God is raising a generation that knows not the God of our fathers.
We are raising a generation that know their Pastor but do not know God
The know denominations but they know not the body of Christ
The know what their Pastors say but do not know the word of God
The know and believe holy waters,wrist bands etc but do not believe the work of the HolyGhost
They were thought to recite Pastors prayers before the sleep,but they do not know how to commune with God in prayer

They know how to confess the word but they do not know how to labour in the word
They are concerned with the crowd not with regenerated souls
They focus on the offering basket not on the harvest of souls
The fatness of your tithe determines your relevance in church
They ignore the way of the cross,and preach motivational messages
The work on the emotions of the innocent congregation,and deprive them of salvation manna
Their belly is their God
Jezebel spirits romancing the pulpit
Nobody is watching
Prayer has become a burden
The ancient land mark has be modernized
Wasted generation
God spoke to me on the Azuza revival
Cos of this i began to study,the remote cause
And i saw sacrifice,men sacrificed their pleasures to intercede